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HomeMeditation & Mindfulness18 Equanimity Phrases to Empower Your Practice

18 Equanimity Phrases to Empower Your Practice

May I be open to the way things are.

May I be undisturbed by the coming and going of events.

Things are as they are.

This is how things are right now.

You are the owner of your actions (karma). Your happiness or unhappiness depends on your
actions, not upon my wishes for you.

All beings have their own journey. This is your journey.

No matter how much I may wish for things to be otherwise, things are as they are.

This is the nature of life.

With great care, I accept how things are for you.

I will care for you, but I cannot keep you from suffering.

I wish you happiness, but cannot make your choices for you.

May I accept things as they are.

May I be balanced and at peace.

May my heart be big enough to hold the joys and sorrows without being overwhelmed.

All beings experience joy and sorrow, gain and loss, pleasure and pain, fame and disrepute.

Whether I understand it or not, things are unfolding according to a natural law.

May I open to the conditions of my life with equanimity.

May I open to the conditions of my body and mind with grace.

Pleasure and pain arise and pass away.

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