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HomeExpanded ConsciousnessAlan Watts: Man Suffers Only Because He Takes Seriously What the Gods...

Alan Watts: Man Suffers Only Because He Takes Seriously What the Gods Made for Fun

The quote “Man Suffers Only Because He Takes Seriously What the Gods Made for Fun” is attributed to Alan Watts, a British philosopher known for his works on interpreting and popularising Eastern philosophy for Western audiences. The statement encapsulates a profound reflection on the nature of human suffering and the significance of perspective in our experience of life.

In this essay, we will delve into the philosophical underpinnings of this quote, its implications on the understanding of human suffering, and how it aligns with broader philosophical and psychological theories.

Philosophical Underpinnings

At the heart of Watts’ assertion is the idea that much of human suffering is a product of our mindset and the meanings we ascribe to the events and circumstances of our lives. This concept is not unique to Watts but is a recurring theme in various philosophical traditions. In Stoicism, for example, Epictetus famously said, “Men are disturbed not by things, but by the view which they take of them.” This Stoic principle echoes Watts’ sentiment, suggesting that our internal interpretations, rather than external events, are the primary sources of our distress.

Buddhism also offers a similar perspective, particularly in its teachings on the nature of desire and attachment. According to the Four Noble Truths, the cause of suffering (Dukkha) is attachment (Tanha), which is rooted in ignorance. From this viewpoint, suffering arises from clinging to impermanent things, including ideas and expectations, and taking them too seriously, in a manner of speaking.

Alan Watts British Philosopher

The Role of Perspective

Watts’ quote invites us to reconsider the perspective with which we approach life’s challenges. By suggesting that the gods made life for fun, Watts is not trivializing the human experience but rather encouraging a lighter, more playful approach to existence. This perspective aligns with the concept of “Leela” in Hindu philosophy, which suggests that the creation and the unfolding of the universe are expressions of divine play.

Adopting a less serious, more playful attitude towards life’s ups and downs can be a form of psychological resilience. It allows individuals to face adversity with a sense of detachment and equanimity, reducing the emotional weight of challenges and setbacks. This approach does not imply indifference or lack of engagement but rather a recognition of the transient nature of life’s events and an appreciation for the journey itself, with all its twists and turns.

The Gods are laughing at our addiction to suffering. Image Credit Creative Impulse Kevin Parker. Execution by the Gods of AI

Psychological Implications

From a psychological standpoint, Watts’ statement resonates with the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which emphasizes the role of cognitive processes in shaping our emotional responses. CBT teaches that by changing our thought patterns, we can alter our emotional experiences. In this context, taking life’s challenges “less seriously” can be seen as a cognitive strategy to mitigate distress and promote emotional well-being.

Moreover, the idea of not taking life too seriously aligns with the concept of psychological flexibility, which is central to Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Psychological flexibility involves holding our thoughts and emotions lightly, being present, and committing to actions aligned with our values, even in the face of discomfort and uncertainty. This approach fosters a more adaptable and resilient stance towards life’s inherent challenges.

Critique and Counterarguments

While Watts’ perspective offers a compelling approach to reducing suffering, it is not without its critiques. Some may argue that this viewpoint risks trivializing genuine suffering and the complex socio-economic, political, and personal factors that contribute to it. Suffering can stem from systemic injustices, trauma, and other profound sources that cannot be simply reframed or approached with a lighter perspective.

Furthermore, the ability to adopt a less serious attitude towards life’s challenges may be influenced by one’s socio-economic status, mental health, and support systems. For individuals struggling with severe adversity or mental health issues, the suggestion to take life’s challenges less seriously may feel out of reach or dismissive of their experiences.


Alan Watts’ statement “Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun” offers a thought-provoking perspective on the nature of human suffering and the power of mindset. By drawing on philosophical and psychological theories, we can appreciate the value of approaching life with a sense of lightness and play. However, it is crucial to acknowledge the complexity of human suffering and the diverse factors that contribute to it. Ultimately, finding a balance between engaging with life’s challenges earnestly and maintaining a sense of detachment and humor can be a pathway to resilience and well-being.

Read more Allan Watts. The Simpler Your Pleasures the Richer You’ll Be

Alan Watts Website

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