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HomeGreen LivingThe Healing Properties of 11 Crystals: How to Use and Cleanse Them

The Healing Properties of 11 Crystals: How to Use and Cleanse Them

Crystals have been used for thousands of years for their healing properties. Each type of crystal has a different vibration and can be used to heal different areas of your life. The human body is composed of crystalline structures, so it is no wonder that we are drawn to them.

There are a variety of ways to use crystals for healing. In this blog post, we will explore eleven of the most popular crystals for healing and their specific properties. We will also explore different techniques that can be used for crystal healing. Finally, we will discuss the best way to source your healing crystals and how to cleanse them. 

Crystals are often used in conjunction with other therapies, such as massage or Reiki. When choosing a crystal for healing, it is important to select one that resonates with your intention. For example, if you are seeking to improve your mental health, you might choose crystal quartz, which is associated with clarity and focus.

Eleven Healing Crystals

Quartz Points
Quartz Points

1. Quartz is a versatile crystal that can be used for almost any situation. It is thought to help balance the body’s energy field and promote the flow of positive energy. It is known as the “master healer” as it is a versatile tool for various health conditions.

Quartz crystals can help with health issues such as headaches, fatigue, and stress. They are also believed to boost the immune system and improve circulation. People also like to keep quartz crystals in their homes or offices to create a more positive and peaceful environment.

Quartz also has amplification properties that make it ideal for amplifying the effects of other crystals.

rose-quartz  heart stone
Rose Quartz

2. Rose quartz is a beautiful pink crystal that is known as the “heart stone.” It helps to open the heart chakra and promote self-love. It can also be used to help heal old emotional wounds. The healing properties of rose quartz are typically attached to joy, abundance, and energy.

Throughout history, there are records of mothers-to-be making use of rose quartz during their pregnancies because of the strong feminine energy associated with this stone. which means love energy flows freely creating a strong bond between a mother and her child.


3. Citrine is a sunny yellow crystal that is known as the “success stone.” It helps to promote success, abundance, and prosperity. Citrine is also known for its ability to increase creativity and mental clarity. 


4. Turquoise is a stunning blue-green crystal that has been used for centuries by Native Americans. It is known as the “friendship stone” and can help to promote harmony in relationships. Turquoise is also helpful in promoting communication and self-expression. 

Amethyst cluster

5. Amethyst is a deep purple crystal that is known as the “stone of peace.” It helps to calm the mind and promotes relaxation. Amethyst is also helpful in reducing stress and anxiety levels. 

Rough Garnet

6. Garnet is a deep red crystal that symbolizes love and passion. It can help to increase self-confidence and diminish negative thoughts about oneself. Garnet is also known for its ability to promote romance and passion in relationships. 

Tiger Eye Crystal
Tigers Eye

7. Tiger’s Eye is a golden-brown crystal that is known as the “stone of courage.” It helps to increase confidence and willpower. Tiger’s eye is also helpful in overcoming fears and taking risks. 


8. Moonstone is a milky white crystal that is known as the “stone of new beginnings.” It helps to promote intuition, inspiration, and creativity. Moonstone is also known for its ability to calm emotions and provide emotional stability. 

red jasper
Red Jasper

9. Jasper is a green or red crystal that is known as the “supreme nurturer.” It helps to promote deep relaxation and provides a sense of well-being. Jasper is also known for its ability to increase physical strength and stamina. 

Lapis Lazuli

10. Lapis lazuli is a deep azure crystal that has been used for centuries by royalty and priests. It is known as the “stone of wisdom” and can help to promote clarity of thought and understanding. Lapis lazuli is also helpful in increasing intuition and psychic abilities. 

11. Jade is a beautiful green crystal that is known as the “stone of good luck.” It helps to attract good fortune and abundant blessings. Jade is also helpful in promoting positive relationships and attracting love.


Experiment with various crystals until you find the ones that work best for you and always consult a qualified healthcare professional before using any type of alternative therapy for serious health conditions.

The Crystal Healing Process

Once you have selected a crystal, here are some simple steps you can follow to begin the healing process.

First, hold the crystal in your hand and close your eyes. Visualize your intention for the healing session and imagine the crystal absorbing any negative energy from your body. Then, use your other hand to gently massage the crystal over any areas of the body that feel particularly tight or stressed.

Finally, take seven deep breaths and allow the crystal’s energy to flow through you. Crystals can be used for a wide variety of purposes, so experiment until you find the ones that work best for you. With a little practice, you’ll be surprised at how effective they can be at promoting relaxation and restoring balance to your life.

How Else Can We Use Our Crystals to Heal and Energize

1. Wearing crystals as jewelry. This is one of the easiest ways to reap the benefits of crystals. Simply wearing a piece of crystal jewelry (such as a necklace or bracelet) will allow the crystal’s energies to flow through you and help to balance your own energies. It’s important to choose jewelry that you feel drawn to and that resonates with you. You can also experiment with different crystals to see which ones work best for you.

Bella Hadid wearing crystals

2. Placing crystals on your body. This is a terrific way to target specific areas of your body that need healing. For example, if you’re experiencing throat pain, you could place a piece of turquoise on your throat chakra (energy centre) to help promote healing. Or if you’re struggling with anxiety, placing amethyst on your heart chakra can help to calm and soothe you.

3. Meditating with crystals. Meditating with crystals is a powerful way to connect with their energies and receive guidance from them. To meditate with a crystal, simply hold it in your hand, close your eyes, and focus on your breath. As you breathe in and out, imagine the crystal’s energy flowing through you and into areas of your body that need healing. You can also place crystals around you while you meditate (such as in a circle) to create a supportive and powerful environment.

Tip: When sourcing healing crystals, be sure to purchase from a reputable vendor who sells high-quality crystals that have been ethically sourced.

Regular Crystal Cleansing

When working with crystals, it’s important to cleanse them regularly to remove any negative energies that they may have absorbed. One of the easiest ways to do this is to place them in a bowl of sea salt overnight. You can also use sage or Palo Santo wood to smudge them. You can also use sage or Palo Santo wood to smudge them. Place them outside on a sunny day and the natural sunlight will cleanse your crystals. Leaving your crystals out under a full moon is also an excellent way to cleanse and recharge your stones.

Once you’ve cleansed your crystals, you can begin collaborating with them to promote healing in your life. Thanks for reading!


There are many ways to use Crystals for Healing purposes. Choose the method that feels right for you and keep experimenting until you find what works best for you! Remember to always consult a qualified healthcare professional before using any type of alternative therapy for serious health conditions!

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