Monday, February 17, 2025
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HomeExpanded ConsciousnessHow to See Your Own and Other Peoples Aura

How to See Your Own and Other Peoples Aura

Some people can see auras instantly and others have to work at it so don’t worry if it takes a while. With patience and practice you can develop this skill to assist in assessing your own health and wellbeing and that of others and, hopefully, developing a practice to help cleanse auric fields. As you work with this modality you’ll gradually become aware of even more subtle layers of energy that surround people.

It can be a bit of a shock the first time you see an aura for the first time, but very exciting. It is an ability and a gift that needs to be used sensitively and with permission of those involved. And remember, always for the highest good.

See All About Auras: Shape, Colours and Meaning for information on how to understand auric colours and shapes.

Viewing the Aura with a Partner

This exercise is designed to help you see the aura with a partner.

Working with a buddy is recommended if possible. It’s fun to work together and you can keep each other accountable and compare notes of your experience. Take notes. Sketch what you see. Don’t be afraid to experiment. Esoteric work is scientific in it’s nature. We want to verify, check on and repeat our insights to ensure that we are not going crazy! Having a buddy to compare and contrast with is a good step in helping this process. Also, a notebook of our experiences is a great companion on a long train journey!

1. Begin by both yourself and partner relaxing your mind and body. It will be difficult to see your aura if you are tense or distracted. Take some deep breaths in an out breathing deep into your diaphragm with you eyes closed. If you are comfortable with a deeper meditation technique then employ your personal practice for 10 minutes or so.

2. Ask your training partner stand in front in front of a very softly illuminated and preferably soft white background in a dimly lit room. Avoid a coloured background as this may alter the colour of the aura. Have your partner hold one finger in front of their face, about 6 inches out from their third eye or brow chakra, located on the forehead between our eyes.

3. Now focus your eyes on their finger, not their face. Have them remove their fingers but keep looking at the same spot. You’ll have to relax your eyes a bit to do this. Now, using that same relaxed vision, you may be able to see what looks like a little line that runs all around them a couple of inches out from their body

4. Look at this spot for approximately 30 to 60 seconds or longer. Try squinting your eyes and allowing your sight to become blurry.

5. A positive affirmation such as “I am able to see auras and all of the colours in their spectrum. I acknowledge the need to do this only for the highest good of myself or those involved.” Your partner might use a similar affirmation but using the phrase “I give permission for….. to see the colours in my aura for the highest good”.

Repeat three times at least. Rest in belief that this will be so with practice.

6. After 2 minutes, analyse your surroundings with your peripheral vision, while still staring and focusing at the same spot. Focus as much as possible and resist the temptation to look around. You should find that the background near the person is brighter and has a different colour than the background further away.

7. Breath in. Breath out. As you exhale, the aura should get larger. Take a breath after every four numbers. Hold breath for four. Release breath counting 1,2,3,4. Repeat. This will help to keep your energy flowing freely . As you resume normal quiet breathing, the aura will return to its former size but might appear a little brighter.

8. As you become accustomed to the white layer nearest to their body expand your consciousness to the next layer out. This may appear even more faint and may have colors associated with it. The different meanings of the colors vary widely depending on the spiritual, physical and mental state of the person being viewed. Play with this a bit. Does their aura change when they think happy thoughts? Sad thoughts? Angry thoughts?

9.The longer you concentrate, the better you will see it. Concentration on one spot increases your sensitivity by accumulating the effect of the aura vibration reaching your eyes.

10. Take a sketch book or piece of paper and with some coloured pencils and crayons and draw what you saw. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a master artist! Trust your intuition and let the image flow.

Tips for Viewing Your Aura in a Mirror

Whilst we recommend a buddy to do these exercises we know that there are lots of reasons that might not be possible or desirable, and that’s absolutely fine, there is a well established tradition of the lone explorer in these areas of pursuits. Many if us are shy in the first instance about discussing these matters with others, or are operating in an environment where our friends or family may not be on side, or even prejudice against such explorations. Rest assured, expanding our innate abilities is perfectly natural and a part of our evolutionary progress as humans. So, here are a few pointers how to view your own aura in the privacy of your own space.

oval mirror

For this exercise you will need a dimly lit quiet room away from TV or household noise. Make sure that your mobile phone is switched off.

1. Begin by relaxing your mind and body. It will be difficult to see your aura if you are tense or distracted. Take some deep breaths in an out breathing deep into your diaphragm with you eyes closed. If you are comfortable with a deeper meditation technique then employ your personal practice for 10 minutes or so. When you are calm and centered you are ready to begin

2. Dim the lights. The lighting should be dark enough to see the aura, but not pitch black or bright white. Auras cannot be seen in total darkness, and bright light will wash out all but the most vibrant of auras. You may want to position a light on one side of a large mirror hanging front on a light coloured or solid background if you are able to.

3. A positive affirmation such as “I am able to see auras and all of the colours in their spectrum. I acknowledge the need to do this only for the highest good of myself or those involved.”

Repeat three times at least. Rest in belief that this will be so with practice.

4. Stand in front of a mirror at least eighteen inches away, farther if possible. Relax, breathe deeply, and sway gently from side to side. You are now both viewer and subject .

5. Stare at yourself in the mirror. Adjust your vision by allowing your eyes to go slightly out of focus. Try staring at the area just above your head and shoulders; you should be able to see some kind of thin white glow around your head.

6. Breath in. Breath out. As you exhale, the aura should get larger. Take a breath after every four numbers. Hold breath for four. Release breath counting 1,2,3,4. Repeat. Reciting the numbers one through to twenty in normal speaking voice to help keep your energy flowing freely . As you resume normal quiet breathing, the aura will return to its former size but might appear a little brighter.

7. Try the first time for a couple of minutes. Take a short break. Take a few more deep breaths. Try squinting your eyes and allowing your sight to become blurry.

8. The more you practice, the more of your aura you will be able to see. If you are finding it challenging then engage your active imagine and tell yourself that you are seeing the aura. appear a little brighter.

9. Experiment with projecting a color. Think of a colour and try to visualise it.

10. Take a sketch book or piece of paper and with some coloured pencils and crayons and draw what you saw. Don’t worry, you don’t need to be a master artist! Trust your intuition and let the image flow.

Continue to practice everyday for 10 minutes or so. If you are able to keep up your focus and practice for a 30 day period you should be able to start seeing a variety of colours and be able associate the colours on display, and the shape of your aura, with how you your emotional, spiritual and physical state.

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