Wednesday, February 19, 2025
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HomeGreen LivingDealing with Physical Hunger in A Mindful Way

Dealing with Physical Hunger in A Mindful Way

Mindfulness is being aware of your present moment experiences.

Awareness is the first step on the path of change.

Mindfulness is linked with kindness & compassion; this awareness is non-judgmental.

We all forget to be mindful, we all stumble when we are learning.

Self-compassion teaches us to ask what is truly good for us, verse self-criticism which can drive WHAT? ….. (overeating)

Mindfulness, kindness, and self-compassion allow us to begin again, each time we forget.

Ask these questions with kind-awareness

Why am I choosing to eat

What do I really need?

What does physical hunger feel like for you?

Hunger Scale:

1  2  3 4  5 6  7 8  9 10

Begin eating around 3 -4

Finish eating around 5 -7

Set an intention of how full you want to be before you start eating. Try creating a “speed bump” on your plate with the intention of stopping before you finish. Allowing you time to again check in with your fullness level.

Remember it can take 20 minutes for you to register how full you really are.

What could you do when you experience these triggers?
  • Emotional – Head Hunger – Ask yourself “what are my true needs?”
  • Social – expectations from others, food pushers, looks so good, social drinking
  • Environmental – triggers, smells, sight of food, advertisement

Practice for the Week

  1. Before eating give your hunger a number, and practice being aware of how full you are getting. Practice giving your fullness a number too.
  • Explore ways to fill your true needs.
    • Explore doing something else when you are not hungry.
    • Practice mindful breathing
  • Practice 5 minutes of intentional breathing, compassionately sensing your body, noticing thoughts & mood.
  • Practice being mindful through-out your day, taking a few conscious breaths, especially when you notice the first edge of irritation, or emotional discomfort. Practice coming back to the present moment through noticing your breath, your posture, then expand your view to take in your surroundings.
  1. Write in your journal. With kind awareness:
  2. Why you are eating
  3. When you eat
  4. What you choose to eat
  5. How you eat your food
  6. How much you eat
  7. Where you use your energy after eating
  • Research other resources on mindful eating that can support you.

“Naming a difficult emotion helps us not get lost in it.” – Kristen Neff, PhD

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