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HomeExpanded ConsciousnessMindset - Action – Trust. The Keys to Manifesting Your Desires

Mindset – Action – Trust. The Keys to Manifesting Your Desires


So, you think you understand the principles of manifesting, but you cannot explain why these things are still not coming to you. You believe that we create our reality. You understand the laws of attraction and believe that what we think about we attract into our experience. You have even been practicing these principles, that is, when you remember to. When you think about it, you are repeating affirmations such as:

My perfect relationship is available, and I deserve to have it.

My income level is constantly increasing.

Okay, then, why is that perfect relationship or more income not what you are experiencing?

You may be trying to blame your parents for instilling a limiting belief that money is bad or that there is something spiritual about suffering. It really does not matter where your beliefs come from or how many of them you have. There is a way around this. You need to focus on the beliefs that do serve you better such as: The Universe is full of abundance. The Universe wants to bring my desires to me. You may be feeling unworthy. If you do not think that you deserve to be happy and successful, how can you create that in your life?

Okay, so now you are

 1) Believing that it IS possible to have all you desire.

2) You are now feeling worthy. You feel like you have done your part and now you are just waiting for the Universe to fulfill those desires.


There is another little piece here that could be the missing link. Act. But wait a minute here you say. I thought that I just must ask and know that the Universe will supply, and presto! It appears. Not so fast, let us see how by taking action you can assist in this process.

When you act in the direction of your desire, you are showing the Universe that you are serious. It also facilitates the process because you have focused your attention on your action instead of your waiting. This action does not need to be huge earth-shattering stuff. This action can come from a feeling of inspiration, intuition, or even coincidental events. One important thing to keep in mind when you do take action: be sure to feel good about it, about yourself and what you want. Taking this action helps the Universe move in your favor in fulfilling your dreams.


Learning to manifest your desires is like learning to swim. So how is swimming like manifesting? Manifesting and swimming requires total trust, i.e., letting go. In the case of manifesting, you need to let go of your need to control the outcome and trust that you shall receive that which you seek. In the case of swimming, you trust that you will not drown. Everyone who has learned to swim will tell you that fear causes you to sink. Lack of fear allows you to float. And even if you go down it will be temporary, and you will soon bob back to the surface.

Trying to manifest your desires is the same. Accept your desires as already having been fulfilled. If you have any doubts whatsoever that this is not so, you will fail to attract your desires. You can fool people, but you cannot fool the Universe. Every thought, feeling or doubt, no matter how slight, vibrates out to the Universe.

It is only when you totally and unequivocally trust that your desires are as good as having already been delivered, that the manifestation will appear. The proof of your total trust is when you express your gratitude and already start celebrating, despite your present reality, which may be the exact opposite of what you desire. However, just as it is with swimming, getting to that point does not happen overnight. We first must let go of our fears which are a product of our past experiences. Until we choose to change and do things differently, we will continue to get the things we have always gotten.

Trust that the Universe wants what is best for you and is fully capable of supplying what you want. Trust that if you follow the laws of attraction and of manifestation, you shall certainly have everything you want. Trust that just as the water lifts you up and lets you float, the Universe shall keep your head above the tides of life, irrespective of how fearful things may seem right now.

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