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HomeExpanded ConsciousnessDragons in Myth, Art, Literature, Film and as Interdimensional Beings

Dragons in Myth, Art, Literature, Film and as Interdimensional Beings

Throughout history, dragons have been an important part of mythologies and legends around the world. These creatures have been depicted in various ways, from fierce and terrifying beasts to benevolent protectors of humans.

In this article, we will explore the myths and legends about dragons and their relationship to humans throughout history, including examples from different cultures around the world. We will also discuss the ways in which dragons are prominent in literature, art, theater, and movies. Finally, we will examine the views and beliefs of contemporary new age spiritual practitioners regarding dragons and the techniques and practices they use to connect with these interdimensional beings.

Dragons in Different Cultures


In European mythology, dragons are often portrayed as fire-breathing beasts that hoard treasure and kidnap princesses. One of the most famous examples of a dragon in European mythology is the one from the legend of Saint George and the Dragon. According to the legend, the dragon was terrorizing a town, and the saint slayed it to save a princess who had been offered as a sacrifice. In medieval Europe, dragons were also often used as a symbol of Satan or evil.


In Japanese mythology, dragons are known as “ryu.” Unlike European dragons, ryu are seen as benevolent creatures that bring rain and are associated with water. They are also depicted with long, slender bodies and are often seen as serpentine rather than having wings. One famous story about a dragon in Japanese mythology is the legend of the Dragon King, who lived in a palace beneath the sea.


In African mythology, dragons are often portrayed as serpent-like creatures with wings. In some cultures, they are seen as protectors of the land and are associated with rain and thunder. One famous example of a dragon in African mythology is the rainbow serpent, which is said to have created the world.

The Americas

In the Americas, dragons are often associated with the Aztec god Quetzalcoatl. In Aztec mythology, Quetzalcoatl is depicted as a feathered serpent and is seen as a god of creation, wisdom, and knowledge. Another example of a dragon-like creature in the Americas is the horned serpent, which is often depicted in Native American art and is associated with rain and lightning.


In Chinese mythology, dragons are known as “long” and are seen as symbols of power, strength, and good luck. They are often depicted with long, serpentine bodies and are associated with water. In Chinese culture, dragons are often used as a symbol of the emperor and are seen as a sign of good fortune. One famous example of a dragon in Chinese mythology is the dragon that appears in the story of the Monkey King.


In Korean mythology, dragons are known as “yong” and are seen as symbols of power and authority. They are often depicted with four claws, unlike Chinese dragons, which have five. In Korean culture, dragons are associated with rain and are believed to have the power to control the weather. One famous example of a dragon in Korean mythology is the dragon that appears in the story of King Munmu, who is said to have transformed into a dragon after his death.

Dragons in Literature, Art, Theater, and Movies

Dragons have been a popular subject in literature, art, theater, and movies throughout history. Some famous examples include:

Literature: J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Hobbit” features Smaug, a dragon who hoards treasure and is eventually slain by the protagonist, Bilbo Baggins. In the “Harry Potter” series, dragons are used in a tournament to test the skills of the wizarding students.

Art: Dragons have been depicted in art throughout history, from ancient cave paintings to modern-day illustrations. One famous example is the “Dragon Throne” of the Chinese emperor, which was decorated with images of dragons and was seen as a symbol of imperial power.

Theater: In Chinese opera, there is a type of play called “The Legend of the White Snake,” which tells the story of a powerful dragon who falls in love with a human woman and takes on human form to be with her.

Movies & TV: Dragons have been a popular subject in movies, from the animated classic “Mulan” to the fantasy epic “Game of Thrones.” In these movies, dragons are often portrayed as powerful and majestic creatures, capable of great feats of strength and courage.

Dragons have also been a popular subject in modern television and gaming. For example, in the popular HBO series “Game of Thrones” and its upcoming prequel, “House of Dragon,” dragons play a central role in the story. These dragons are depicted as intelligent and powerful creatures that can be trained and ridden by humans. Similarly, in the Netflix series “The Witcher,” dragons are seen as rare and dangerous creatures that are hunted by Witchers for their valuable parts.

 In the world of video games, dragons have also been featured in many popular titles such as “The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim,” “Dragon Age,” and “Final Fantasy XV.” In these games, players can often encounter and battle dragons as part of their quests, or even take control of a dragon and wreak havoc on their enemies. Overall, dragons continue to be a popular subject in modern entertainment and gaming, demonstrating their timeless appeal and enduring popularity.

Contemporary New Age Spiritual Practitioners and Dragons

In contemporary new age spiritual practices, dragons are often seen as interdimensional beings that can help humans on their spiritual journey. Some new age practitioners believe that dragons can help them access higher realms of consciousness and can provide them with guidance and protection.

Techniques and practices used by new age practitioners to connect with dragons include meditation, visualization, and shamanic journeying. During these practices, practitioners may imagine themselves traveling to other dimensions where they can meet and communicate with dragons. Some practitioners also use crystals, candles, and other spiritual tools to create a sacred space for their dragon work.

The views and beliefs of new age practitioners regarding dragons are not universally accepted, and some may view these practices as pseudoscientific or even dangerous. However, for those who believe in the power of dragons, these practices can provide a powerful tool for spiritual growth and transformation.


Dragons have been an important part of human mythology and culture throughout history. They have been depicted in various ways, from terrifying beasts to benevolent protectors of humans. Dragons have also been a popular subject in literature, art, theater, and movies.

In contemporary new age spiritual practices, dragons are often seen as interdimensional beings that can help humans on their spiritual journey.

While the views and beliefs regarding dragons may vary, their presence in human culture and mythology remains strong and enduring.

20 Positive Affirmations for Working with Dragon Energies

  1. I am grateful for the guidance and protection of my interdimensional dragon helpers.
  2. I am open and receptive to the wisdom of the interdimensional dragon beings.
  3. I trust in the power and intelligence of the interdimensional dragons to guide me on my journey.
  4. I am aligned with the energy and vibrations of the interdimensional dragon realm.
  5. I welcome the interdimensional dragons into my life and heart.
  6. I am grateful for the strength and protection that the interdimensional dragons offer me.
  7. I honor the sacred bond between myself and the interdimensional dragon realm.
  8. I am surrounded by the loving energy and protection of the interdimensional dragons.
  9. I am open and receptive to the gifts of the interdimensional dragons.
  10. I am aligned with the divine purpose and mission of the interdimensional dragons.
  11. I am grateful for the opportunity to work with interdimensional dragons in service to humanity.
  12. I trust that the interdimensional dragons will guide me towards my highest good.
  13. I am grateful for the interdimensional dragons’ wisdom and insight.
  14. I welcome the interdimensional dragons’ transformative energy into my life.
  15. I trust in the divine plan and guidance of the interdimensional dragons.
  16. I honor the interdimensional dragons as powerful and benevolent beings of light.
  17. I am filled with love and gratitude for the interdimensional dragons’ presence in my life.
  18. I am open and receptive to the guidance and teachings of the interdimensional dragons.
  19. I am in alignment with the interdimensional dragon realm and the wisdom it holds.
  20. I am grateful for the opportunity to co-create with the interdimensional dragons in service to the greater good.

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